Tiger Claws 1992


The police do not know what to do. They have to deal with a serial killer who aims at martial arts masters. One after another is killed in the same brutal way. This may be a chance for ...

Tutti i titoli
  • CA: Tiger Claws Tiger Claws
  • BR: Garras de Tigre Garras de Tigre
  • FR: Dans les griffes du tigre Dans les griffes du tigre
  • DE: Tigerkralle Tigerkralle
  • GR: I orgi tou tigri I orgi tou tigri
  • HU: Tigriskarmok Tigriskarmok
  • IT: Copgirl - Artigli di tigre Copgirl - Artigli di tigre
  • ES: Las garras del tigre Las garras del tigre
Data di rilascio 21 Aug 1992
Link IMDb
