Immigrants (L.A. Dolce Vita) 2008

Animation Comedy

Jóska, a Hungarian immigrant in Los Angeles is sharing an apartment with the Russian Vladislav. In their search for the "American Dream" they get into all kinds of troubles, wild adventures...

Tutti i titoli
  • US: Immigrants (L.A. Dolce Vita) Immigrants (L.A. Dolce Vita)
  • AU: Immigrants Immigrants
  • DE: Immigrants - L.A. Dolce Vita Immigrants - L.A. Dolce Vita
  • HU: Immigrants - Jóska menni Amerika Immigrants - Jóska menni Amerika
  • RU: Иммигранты Иммигранты
  • ES: Inmigrantes (L.A. Dolce Vita) Inmigrantes (L.A. Dolce Vita)
  • TR: Göçenler, göçürenler... Göçenler, göçürenler...
Data di rilascio 30 Oct 2008
Link IMDb
