Álmodozások kora (Felnott kamaszok) 1965


Jancsi Oláh is in the transitional phase between adolescence and adultness. He is born in 1938, and is now getting his first employment as an electronic engineer. On some TV-screens he ...

Tutti i titoli
  • HU: Álmodozások kora (Felnott kamaszok) Álmodozások kora (Felnott kamaszok)
  • FI: Kun eletään unelmien aikaa Kun eletään unelmien aikaa
  • FR: L'âge des illusions L'âge des illusions
  • IT: L'età delle illusioni L'età delle illusioni
  • PL: Wiek marzen Wiek marzen
  • US: Age of Illusions Age of Illusions
  • HU: Zeit der Träumereien Zeit der Träumereien
  • HU: The Age of Daydreaming (Adult Adolescents) The Age of Daydreaming (Adult Adolescents)
Data di rilascio 11 Feb 1965
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